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List of Element Styles


Bootstrap includes several predefined button styles, each serving its own semantic purpose, with a few extras thrown in for more control.

Outline buttons

In need of a button, but not the hefty background colors they bring? Replace the default modifier classes with the .btn-outline-* ones to remove all background images and colors on any button.

Rounded Buttons

Bootstrap includes several predefined button styles, each serving its own semantic purpose, with a few extras thrown in for more control.

Outline Rounded buttons

In need of a button, but not the hefty background colors they bring? Replace the default modifier classes with the .btn-outline-* ones to remove all background images and colors on any button.

Button Sizes

Bootstrap includes several predefined button styles, each serving its own semantic purpose, with a few extras thrown in for more control.

Buttons with Icons

Bootstrap includes several predefined button styles, each serving its own semantic purpose, with a few extras thrown in for more control.